Welcome to Amelia Earhart Intermediate School
Amelia Earhart Intermediate School, we believe that school is a place where students should be excited and inspired to come each day. AEIS is an intermediate school, which serves more than 500 students in third through fifth grades. Historically, Amelia Earhart Intermediate School has been recognized as a National Blue Ribbon School, and our exemplary staff and faculty are constantly working towards raising student achievement in a safe and secure environment, ensuring every child can receive a world class education.
AEIS enrollment consists primarily of Air Force dependents, but dependents of the other three major branches of the military and DoD civilians are enrolled as well. A large percentage of the students are bussed to school and from school. We have a large after school program offering a wide variety of cultural, tutorial and fun activities. Extracurricular activities conclude between 1600 and 1630, which coincides with the end of the military duty day.
In addition to the excellent classroom instruction, each of our students is given the opportunity to participate in curricular study trips that reinforce and expand the classroom curricula. Our school offers many cross-cultural experiences with our host nation of Okinawa as well.
The AEIS staff is diverse with every member fully certified/qualified for the position in which they serve. There are 17 regular education classes; 4 large group specialists (art, music, host nation, physical education); 3 special education specialists (and 4 para-professionals); 2 guidance counselors; 3 office staff; 1 technology specialists; 2 maintenance and supply personnel; and 7 other support specialists (nurse, psychologist, ESL, gifted education, reading support, math support). There are two Military Family Life Counselors (MFLC) assigned to AEIS as well. Typically, AEIS has experienced low turnover of staff. The bulk of these turnovers were due to PCS moves of locally hired spouses.
A school-wide master schedule with a common pullout time for small group specialists was implemented in SY 2015-2016 to increase uninterrupted instructional time for students in the general education classroom. This schedule was created and is modified annually through a collaborative process in response to DoDEA policies and faculty feedback.
AEIS has developed a purpose statement in partnership with representatives from all stakeholder groups, which defines the direction and alignment with the DoDEA Mission and Vision. The AEIS purpose is "To help students become respectful, responsible citizens and life-long learners". The AEIS philosophy is: "Success in education is a partnership in responsibility." This means that all are welcome and encouraged to participate in the education of our students from command, community, to parents. It is this partnership that makes the difference. We invite you to visit our school and experience why we believe that "AEIS is the Best!"