DoD Instruction 5400.17
Certain content has been removed from this website to align with President Trump’s Executive Orders and DoD priorities in accordance with DoD Instruction 5400.17, “Official Use of Social Media for Public Affairs Purposes."
Certain content has been removed from this website to align with President Trump’s Executive Orders and DoD priorities in accordance with DoD Instruction 5400.17, “Official Use of Social Media for Public Affairs Purposes."
In this style of Taiko drumming, the paranku (small handheld) and odaiko (large over-the-shoulder strap held) drums will be used to drum along to choreographed dance steps. It is a unique, Okinawan cultural activity that can be enjoyed by all. The goals of the program will be:
Maximum of 50 students.
Open to: Grades 3-5. New members meet on Thursdays, returning members meet on Mondays.
Meets on: Monday,Thursday
Meeting Time: 1505-1630 Gymnasium